I had previously posted some scripts to do a compare, to identify transactions where the FUTA and SUTA fields are set differently than the set up records for the pay codes involved. Remember, FUTA and SUTA are calculated at the time the reports are run (not on a per payroll basis) so that means you can make changes (in the SUTA setup in GP, or in the database) and see the impact on the reports.
--This first script does the compare on FUTA between the transaction and the Employee Pay Code record in Dynamics GP and shows those records where Subject to Futa is marked differently between the Employee Pay Code record and the transaction
select UPR30300.EMPLOYID, UPR30300.CHEKDATE, UPR30300.PAYROLCD, UPR30300.SBJTFUTA, UPR00400.Payrcord, UPR00400.SBJTFUTA from UPR30300 inner join UPR00400 on UPR30300.EMPLOYID=UPR00400.EMPLOYID and UPR30300.PAYROLCD=UPR00400.PAYRCORD where upr30300.SBJTFUTA<>UPR00400.SBJTFUTA
--This script updates the payroll transaction history table to set the Subject to FUTA flag where it is marked on the Employee Pay Code record
update UPR30300 set UPR30300.SBJTFUTA=1 from upr30300 inner join UPR00400 on upr30300.employid=upr00400.employid and upr30300.PAYROLCD=upr00400.PAYRCORD where upr00400.SBJTFUTA=1 and upr30300.SBJTFUTA<>upr00400.SBJTFUTAHappy correcting! And, as always, make a backup and/or test this out in a test company first!
Christina Phillips is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and Dynamics GP Certified Professional. She is a senior managing consultant with BKD Technologies, providing training, support, and project management services to new and existing Microsoft Dynamics customers. This blog represents her views only, not those of her employer.